Planned Giving
Make a Little History ... and Leave a Legacy
Through the years, Saginaw County residents have faced tough obstacles that have threatened the survival of the city of Saginaw and its surrounding communities. Time after time, it is the people who have worked together to keep our communities strong. The people of Saginaw County have kept the Castle Museum strong, too, through memberships, financial support and millage renewals.
We realize our vision to become the leading arts and cultural organization in the Saginaw region takes the concerted efforts of supportive members, friends and other County residents.
The term "planned giving" refers to any major gift that involves financial or estate planning.
Our endowment fund, held at the Saginaw Community Foundation, was established in June 2001. It offers our residents the opportunity to include the Castle Museum as part of their charitable designations in their will or estate plan. The increased income from this growing fund could enable the Castle Museum to cover expenses associated with specific programs, exhibits, traveling tours, community outreach and much more - without taxing the operating budget.
With a planned gift you can:
Provide for you and your loved ones
Enjoy charitable income and/or gift or estate tax deductions
Make a more significant gift to the Museum than you could in your lifetime
Leave a legacy for the Castle Museum of Saginaw County History
Making History is Easy!
Because the Castle Museum is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, establishing a bequest or other gift to our endowment fund is really easy. Your legal or financial professional simply names the Historical Society of Saginaw County and our designated tax identification number in your estate plan document to ensure your intentions are clear.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact your professional financial or legal professional.
For more information in regards to Planned Giving, email the Castle Museum's President/CEO Jonathan T. Webb or call 989-752-2861 ext. 301.